What is 5G?

Regardless of what sort of mobile technology that you have, in your hands, it becomes history in a couple of weeks time. And it’s never been more inevitable than present time. Telecommunications providers, are working on 5G for world wide coverage. Which might be as big deal as it was to see full webpage on iPhone back in 2007.

This is yet another G after 4G, LTE became popular. So what is 5G ?

The industry thinks, 5G will be good enough to end constant talk about urge for speed. And hopefully we will get increments over time, just like windows 10. So what’s so special about 5G ?

Thanks to Internet of things, i.e. self driving cars, automated homes and so on, will become important in near time. So mobile networks will need to be robust by this time to handle all of it. With wearable tech, appliances, vehicles, Mobile VR devices and so on are expected to push so much of data through the network, with some advanced devices will need as many as multiple Gigabytes per second of band width. The need isn’t just about Speed, but also about Latency.

Imagine your automated car took half a second extra to take an important turn, suddenly you may find a huge dent on your car. Not to mention, it could also be life changing. Its not just aiming for, 1 millisecond real-time operation of this transfer, but is also focusing on theoretical maximum speed of 20 Gigabits per second. Some thing is drastically faster than any other network today including google fiber (1 Gigabits/sec). of course this is theoretical maximum, but the average user is expected to find 100MBPS in his pocket devices. but still this quiet faster than real world performance of most of LTE phones.

Part of this is because, of 5G’s important upgrade called “Beamforming”. which means, waves can now be focused in particular directions where is more data traffic. Present day, we are using omnidirectional signals. which isn’t concentrated and not so good.

Combine all of this with Massive MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) which allows many users to use many connections simultaneously. learn more about MIMI in previous blog. So basically we will have a connection that’s not just quicker, but also have better throughput.

The industry is aiming to develop capability to connect, 1Million devices per square kilometer. There will be no delays at gatherings like concerts, sporting events.

This is a very ambitious project, so it isn’t available yet. 5G is expected to hit market in 2019. and will be widespread by 2025. This is because Its not just about making up uniform standards for compatibility like today but they also need more time to build infrastructure.

5G trials have already began. Small scale deployments are expected to be held in between 2018 and 2020. In short, don’t scrap your LTE phone just yet. but don’t be surprised if your current device puts your home connection to shame.

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